Secrets of Regular Posting

A few people have asked how I am able to post regularly given some of the remote environments. There are two answers to that.

First, you’d be surprised at some of the places where you can find a computer with internet connection. All you need is a phone line, and a local savvy enough to make a buck (Filipino teens are particularly fond of online gaming).

Second, I have also been scheduling posts ahead of time. There are indeed places with no electricity, let alone phone service or an internet connection, and when I know I’m going to be inaccessible for a few days I try to schedule several posts ahead of time. So a new post can be coming online at the same time that I’m trudging through mud and dense jungle far away from civilization.

Like this post: I wrote it 24 hours ago. And I scheduled another one to post 15 minutes after this one…

Comments (1)

PascalNovember 29th, 2008 at 4:42 pm

So it’s not a direct tap into the Matrix? Evil genius nonetheless…

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