Dogon Country

More explorations along the Bandiagara Escarpment (the official name of the 100 miles of up to 1,600 ft. high sandstone cliffs where the Dogon reside). Note that although these villages look empty, they are all well and truly inhabited. Really.

Comments (2)

RonMarch 16th, 2009 at 7:45 am

The environment, which from the pictures looks pretty harsh and austere, must be a very dominant part of the lives of all these people. Were you able to get a sense of what their daily lives are like?

Gabriel OpenshawMarch 16th, 2009 at 10:14 am

To a small extent. One of the most striking observations was a constant flow of women walking for half an hour or more up and down cliffs with large jugs of water on their heads to bring back water to their village from a stream. Both impressive and sobering.

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